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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Q: My friend found this girl’s Tinder on the “girls who like girls” Tinder and she very publicly has a boyfriend…. should I tell her boyfriend? Is she just experimenting?

Tinder has become such a popular way to meet people and while it’s stereotypically known as a way to “hook up,” lots of girls have gone on it to simply meet friends, which could be what your friend is doing. We’ve used Tinder to meet other girls and have created friendships that wouldn’t have existed without Tinder. It makes sense you would assume that she’s cheating on her boyfriend but without talking to her you cannot be certain. Another possibility is that her boyfriend actually knows about it and supports her “experimenting” which is also becoming quite popular since college is the place to try new things and break out of your shell.

The worst thing to do would be to go straight to her boyfriend and potentially cause problems between them when you can go to her yourself and ask her why she’s on it. This will prove that you care about her and her boyfriend without causing unnecessary drama. We hope we could shed some light on the situation, good luck ☺


Belinda and Gloria

Q: How do those Tumblr-y girls in college afford to travel all the time? All I want to do is travel but its so expensive but I feel so left out because it looks like everyone is going out of the country and experiencing life.

Traveling as a young adult is definitely difficult, but thankfully, there are ways to navigate your trip so that you can travel on a budget. Use these tips to create an experience you will never forget.

  1. Plane tickets

Plane travel is usually the most expensive part of a trip out of the country; however, there are ways to avoid pricey tickets. If you get your tickets extremely far in advance, they will usually be cheaper than if you get them only a few months before. Also, tickets are cheaper if your flight is on a certain day. For example, tickets on Sunday are usually the most expensive so try to get flights on a Tuesday or another weekday. Basically, just be savvy and compare prices between air companies and between days to get the cheapest you can.

  1. Lodging

The key to cheap lodging is to not be picky. Where you lodge is just where you sleep and keep your luggage, so it does not have to be fancy at all. Sometimes typical American international brand hotels such as Holiday Inn are cheaper. Or small local inns. Even hostels are a great place to stay for cheap and meet new people; just make sure to look at reviews so you can make sure you are comfortable staying there. Similar to plane tickets, advanced booking is often cheaper. Again, don’t be afraid to browse and compare prices.

  1. Tourism

Once you are in the country you are visiting and you have a place to stay, things get easier. The Internet is your friend. Before you go, look up cheap or free things to do in the area. There are lots of budget travel blogs and sites you can look at to see what other people have discovered. Even Pinterest has really great budget tourism tips for different countries.

  1. Transportation

If you decide to go somewhere too big for you to walk everywhere, you will need to figure out how to get around. If you are traveling with other people, you could all pitch in and rent a car. Many places, like Europe, have train or bus systems. Again, comparing prices and doing your research beforehand will be the best way to find the cheapest option.

Research and planning early will really help you get the most out of your traveling, and it will give you time to save up money for your trip. But you don’t need to travel far to find amazing experiences. Explore the areas around you, or go on a cross-country road trip with your favorite people. Go to a beautiful nature area, or coach surf in an amazing city. Money cannot buy an amazing experience.

Want to hear what our Her Campus VCU girls have to say about your situation? Submit your questions anonymously here!

Katie, a Senior at VCU, is majoring in International Studies focused in European studies and is minoring in both Spanish and Writing. She credits all success and sanity to dry shampoo, The Arctic Monkeys, and chocolate. Her favorite things include argumentative essays, pitbull puppies (or really any puppy), and spring. Katie hopes to one day get paid to travel the world and write.
Belinda is a Public Relations major at Virginia Commonwealth University. She is a fashion enthusiast and hopes to one day work for a fashion PR company. When not working on school assignments, Belinda enjoys people watching, eating sushi, and dreaming of one day traveling the world.
Keziah is a writer for Her Campus. She is majoring in Fashion Design with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. HCXO!