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4 Ways to Practice Gratitude When Life’s Falling Apart

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Practicing gratitude is actively acknowledging the good in your life. It can be hard to do so when you’re overwhelmed or overstimulated by the world around you. These are some of the ways you can do this when you feel at ‘rock bottom.’

write down what you’re grateful for

For some people, this only feels like something you do on Thanksgiving, but it can and should be done daily. You will feel better after listing everything you’re thankful for. The key is to start small: the bed you woke up in, the muffin you had for breakfast or even the $5 candle you got from Target. You don’t need a journal for this—your notes app is a great resource!

do a nice favor for someone

While self-care is important, so is doing things for others. This doesn’t have to be anything extravagant — You can do something as simple as holding the door for a stranger or buying your friend a snack or some flowers. Ask yourself “what went well for me today?” I’m sure one of those things has to do with someone helping you in some way. Try to be the good in someone’s life today. 

Girl Hat Coffee Shop Political Grateful America Positive High Res Version
Melody Ozdyck / Her Campus
be intentional about not complaining

This is one of the most important ways in which you can practice gratitude. In my experience, I know personally that I can be a bit of a complainer. It’s just so easy to let out those negative emotions, to talk it out and vent. While it may feel good in the moment, it’s better to not spew negativity but rather to look for the positive side of things. My mom always told me to “look for the silver lining.” You should too. 

say thank you

This might sound like one of the most simple things you can do, but it’s often forgotten. When I say this, I don’t just mean to use good manners. I mean to remember to thank the people around you that do things for you with no questions asked and with no other obligations. These two words can go a long way in any and all situations.

Chloe Hawkins currently attends VCU pursuing a major in Mass Communications with a focus in digital journalism and a minor in history. She has many interests including politics, the environment, and education. Her main goal while writing for HERCampus is to connect with more people in the Richmond area.