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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

As young adults, we’re expected to act with poise and maturity. Yet, when we aim for bigger dreams, we’re labeled as young and thought of as naïve. In this competitive world, so much is expected of us. The pressure and the expectations to do well is high. The weight pulls us down, and the responsibilities pile up. Often, it’s easy to get caught up in feeling like you’re not good enough.

It’s difficult when you scroll through social media and see what everyone else is doing. Some are way more successful and ahead than others. You find yourself wondering and asking yourself if you’re doing something wrong. Why is everyone else already chasing their dreams? Why is my hard work not paying off yet? The questions start a long list, and the feeling of discouragement grows as well. It’s even worse when you have people pointing this out. When people tell you what they know others are doing, and you know you’re not at that level yet. It is simply discouraging. No one should be the person to tell someone how others are doing better than them. No one should feel like they’re nothing compared to someone else. When you’re told you have to do this or do that in order to be successful, you start to believe that there is no other way. You start to feel like you’re not doing anything in life.

We forget that we’re different from the person next to us. We all function differently. Some are more courageous and outgoing. Some are timid and reserved. We will all get there someday. Each of us will get there at our own speed and at our own pace. It is so easy to forget that we should not compare ourselves to others. Yes, you hear this all the time. I can vouch for the fact that when you get caught up in all the emotions, you can forget to think positively. The overwhelming negative emotions take over and can blind you.

It is alright to feel like it’s all too much. When you break down, remember that it’s all temporary. How you are feeling and what is happening at the moment is temporary. Eventually, things will improve. It all works out in the end. You have to allow yourself a break sometimes. No, you will not always get an A on a quiz. You will not always be on top. You will not always have things go your way. But, you will get back on your feet. You will do better next time. It will get better, and you will succeed. 


Sylvia Leong is a mass media major at Valdosta State University hoping to achieve her goal of securing a job in sports broadcasting. This Georgia peach loves all shades of blue, football season, and charming her way with sarcasm. Follow on Instagram and Twitter: svia96
Her Campus at Valdosta State.