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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

Do ever say words you do not really mean? I do as well. Sometimes I catch myself saying phrases like, “I’m so ugly or I’m so stupid”. Negative thoughts like that can really damage your mental health. 

The other day I was looking in the mirror and had this thought to myself, “Wow, I am ugly”. The reality is that I was just kidding, but saying those words out loud can have a negative effect on your mind. Slowly, you can start feeling depressed or lonely. Even if you do not necessarily feel uplifted, do not put yourself down. I really want to challenge myself to say one kind thing about myself every day.

Positivity is a really healthy habit to possess. 

One great way to build up self-confidence is to make sticky notes with words of encouragement and hang them around your room or stick them inside your notebook for beautiful reminders throughout the day that you are indeed enough.

God made each one of us uique. We are all beautiful. Building that self-postive talk will help with stress relief.

Ciara Jones

Valdosta '20

Hello, Ciara Jones is a "Senior" at Valdosta State University, majoring in Mass Media. After she graduates, she is planning to go into ministry working with communication media and journalism. She has a passion for Jesus, writing, kids and food. She loves attending bonfires and concerts on her free time.
Her Campus at Valdosta State.