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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

March is the universal and unofficial start of the Spring Break season that usually lasts until mid-April. During this time, schools across the country and possibly even the world, celebrate the new season with time off for relaxation, enjoyment, and possible recouping from the dreaded 3 months we have endured in school. Now that all the fun and excitement has come to a conclusion, heres the best ways to cope and how to return to normal life:

They will be an intricate part of your post Spring Break success and productivity. Most of us will somewhat or someway altered our normal sleeping and resting patterns with constant adventure so once this week of activities have come to an end, our body and brain will feel exhausted trying to drastically jump back into our old routine. Take a nap or multiple naps the day classes and work resume. You will feel less tired and have energy for whatever the day brings, which would be schoolwork 
Turn those selfies, Snapchat stories and Instagram posts into tangible keepsakes that you will have forever to remember the exact moment that occurred and to share (or not) with your children. Use the immediate week after spring break to recap and tell as many people as possible what awesome adventure you went on and the different people you met along the way. Make a physical scrapbook or even a digital one and keep adding to it as the summer approaches. 
End of the semester 
Most spring breaks conclude with 4-6 weeks left in the semester. Use this as a goal to set in your head that you could do whatever you did for spring break, again in the summer after the semester ends. This will help you cope with dreaded return and help you remain focus to finish strong so you can enjoy it and not have to retake any classes or summer school if you don’t necessarily have to. 
Plans for next year 
Maybe you didn’t get to do everything you wanted to do this year or maybe want to do what you did this year but twice better. As the saying goes, “There’s always next time.” Go ahead and start brainstorming with friends on what you all want to do next year. Often times, trips and lodging is significantly cheaper if done well in advance and what better way of taking advantage of this than by starting to plan and save 365 days in advance. 
Seven days of no school or work can be the life we all dream of but reality does come back into play once spring break is over. Hopefully this helps you cope and prepare better for the last full push to finish the semester strong. 
Her Campus at Valdosta State.