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Steps to Stacking Food on Your Plate This Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

It’s that time of the year again when we’re all feeling stuffed, spoiled, and scared for the Spring Semester! And I’m here to tell you…I’m also one of those people! What are we going to do?!

Now, I’ll be honest, I’m very prone to getting overwhelmed very quickly when I feel like my plate is stacked too high with various foods. However, I have a simple solution to organize that plate and make sure it doesn’t break.


Quite literally, I mean put that plate down and read this article because you’re going to need it! Getting too overwhelmed at the beginning of the semester is typically just more of those nervous jitters for the beginning of something that you have no idea how it’s actually going to go. You’re worried about the way your professors have planned for the class to run, how you’re going to balance all the different activities you have committed to, and if this semester is actually going to be better than last semester. Let’s be honest, it was awful!

Step Two: Move yourself to another room without the plate, then eat some candy!

And by candy, I actually mean just relax! Take a deep breath, do something you enjoy, and shake all those nervous jitters away. It’s okay to worry, but you don’t need to worry too much about all the different probabilities and outcomes this semester MAY have to offer. Take things as they come and deal with them accordingly.

Step Three: Go back to your plate, empty everything off of it, and then reorganize!

Sometimes when too many things are thrown at you in a short period of time, you don’t even get the chance to properly place things or organize them onto your plate. Take this newfound calmness to rationally organize all those foods onto your plate. Hopefully they’re up to code with the Healthy Eating Plate!

Step Four: Eat responsibly so you can enjoy every bite!

I know there’s probably going to be a lot going on this semester, but you have to remember to enjoy every bit of it no matter what! This isn’t to say you can’t have your off or bad days, but make sure they don’t last too long. Just be patient and do the best that you can, it’s all you can do for yourself.

I hope you all have a good year and a good Spring Semester!


Hello, my name is Belle! I am an Art Major (Photography, Graphic Design, and Printmaking) at VSU with an Associate of Art degree from CCGA. I think everyone would agree I could be the face of all Virgos known to Earth. But I'm glad to be getting back into writing, and some of my other passions, again! I hope you all enjoy all the random things I end up writing <3