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The Pros and Cons of Co Washing

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

If you have kinky or curly textured hair, you’ve probably picked up the routine of co washing your hair. Co washing, short for conditioner washing, is when you skip the shampoo process of washing your hair, and instead lather you hair in conditioner. When your hair is dry, it can lead to breakage, which can lead to unhealthy hair. Co washing adds that extra moisture. On the other hand, there are some things to take into consideration when you wash your hair.  Here are some pros and cons with co washing. 



1. Makes Detangling a breeze:


Conditioners add that “slip” so your hair can be detangled easy with your fingers or a wide tooth comb.


2. Adds moisture to your hair

With curly kinky hair textures you’ll find that your hair can be drier than those with straight or even relaxed hair. Co washing can help you boost your moisture intake!

3. Defines curl pattern:

With added moisture to your hair, you’ll find your curls more defined, frizz free and bouncy!


1. Build Up:

 Every time you co wash, you add more residue to your hair. So when you co wash several times out of the month, without cleansing your hair and scalp, you end up clogging your hair strands and cuticles. 


2. Over moisturization:

Yes, your hair can be over moisturized. Without a balance of moisture and protein, your hair can lead to breakage.

3. Washing your hair more:

Because you’re not using any shampoo, you might have to wash your hair more frequently.

Many naturals think that shampooing can be very harmful to your hair. The whole point of shampooing your hair is to lift and wash away build up in your scalp and hair strands. It’s not about how often you shampoo, but what you choose to shampoo with. Make sure you use sulfate free shampoos, so you can clean and retain moisture in your hair. This goes for conditioners too. Using conditioners containing sulfate defeats the purpose of co washing. 

This isn’t to say you should kick away your co wash routine. You can still achieve a curl defining co wash! Just be mindful by how often you co wash. Try to limit your co washing to a least twice a week. Cleanse your hair once a week with a sulfate free clarifying shampoo to remove build up from your previous co washes. 

Hope this answers all of your questions about co washing your hair. Have a nice hair day!


Just your unaverage aspiring writer
Her Campus at Valdosta State.