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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

The excitement of having spring break to look forward to is over and school is back in full effect. Here is life told in gifs of the emotions we all go through as we try to get back into the swing of things the first day back.

Trying to figure out what school work you had due on Monday…


The first Monday back had you like…

You’re still trying to recover from last week’s festivities…

You’re sitting in class and all you can think is…

As soon as class is over you just want to go home and lay down like…

Then wake up to finish all the work due this week that you pushed to the side for Spring Break’s sake…

 Then go to bed and wake up to do it all over again tomorrow…


Keep your head up, Blazers! Spring Break was great but now it’s back to the grind! The end of the semester will be here before you know it. Finish out strong!


I'm Felicia Burnett! I am a sophomore at Valdosta State University. My major is Exercise Physiology but I have a deep passion for writing!
Her Campus at Valdosta State.