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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

It’s getting close to that time of the semester.. Finals! As we prepare for our last exams, we also have to prepare for that one grade that can possibly make or break you. Most of us wait to cram notes in last minute and often times find ourselves not living up to our fullest potential the morning after. Here are a few quick tips to prepare you for your exams BEFORE the time comes! 

1. Utilize Free Time

Whenever you aren’t in class or have any spare time, take time out (preferably during the day) to study. 

2. Minimize Distractions

Most of us enjoy listening to music, watching television or texting friends. Although this may help entertain us for the moment, it won’t help us to retain information. 

3. Maximize Practice Testing

While looking over notes repeatedly can help while studying, some studies suggest that it boosts students performance. 

4. Don’t Cram

Study in 20-50 minute intervals, while giving yourself breaks in between. 

5. Eat Superfoods/antioxidants

You should eat high-carb, high-fiber, slow digesting foods before studying. Also, try foods such as nuts, fruits or yogurt to provide energy while studying. 



Pre-Nursing major at Valdosta State University. Free spirited.
Her Campus at Valdosta State.