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Homecoming Court 2014: Raven Wildermuth

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.
HC: What are your aspirations in life?
RW: My aspirations in life are to first and foremost get into the law school of my choice, and prove to the people who doubt me that I will be successful in following my dreams. Another aspiration would be to have a positive and powerful impact on someone’s life. I know that I have lived to my full potential if I can impact at least one person. And finally, as cliché as it sounds, I do aspire to be happy.
HC: What are you involved in on campus?
RW: Currently I am a part of the Women of Diversity, my sponser, and as our name states we are a group of young women that come together to promote diversity and equality amongst our peers and the community with pride and creating opportunities for personal growth.
I am also a member and publicity chair of the Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity International here at VSU, and we do various things such as invite out different law schools to speak about different aspects of Law.
HC: What are you currently doing to influence students on campus?
RW: I am a Junior here at VSU, and I am a History major with a minor in Political Science. I am currently promoting diversity. I have heard from countless students that yes, we do have a diverse student body, however the segregation is real and apparent. I mean, we do live in South GA.
VSU is trying to promote a more diverse environment, but I want to capitalize on that. I strive to change this. I am working to [bring] the student body a more unified atmosphere, because I believe that is one of the reasons why we came to college, to experience cultures and ideals different from our own. I also believe that we will be able to accomplish more if we were [supportive] of each other.
HC: Why should you be chosen for Homecoming Queen?
RW: I think I should be chosen to be Homecoming Queen because I am a diverse individual [who] can represent the entire student body, and I am very personable, caring and I truly want to see everyone exceed.
HC: If you were to be crowned Homecoming Queen, how would you use your title to impact our campus?
RW: If I was crowned Homecoming Queen I would use my title as more than just the girl who won, but I want all of my peers to feel like they can come to me if they need anything. I also want to show prospective students how great VSU is, and that there isn’t any school out there that will give you the college experience that you will receive here.
HC: What sets you apart from other candidates?
RW: What sets me apart from most of the candidates is that I am not your average girl. I am incredibly diverse in my own personal culture, and I want to be able to share that it’s okay not to fit into this one-dimensional box of what you “should” be; being yourself is what really matters and I am proud to share that with my VSU family. 


Voting starts Tuesday, October 21.

Her Campus at Valdosta State.
President/Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus Valdosta State, and a Mass Media major. Loves spaghetti and is currently waiting for someone to teach her how to play her guitar. Never meets a stranger. Hi :)