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Homecoming Court 2014: Carla Paige

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.
HC: What are your aspirations in life?
CP: My entire life I’ve always been a performer. I grew up completely immersed in it and I will never forget those [who] have helped, molded, and guided me along the way. I just want to be able to give back. I want to be a professional singer/songwriter, but I want those [who] support me, and even those [who] may not necessarily like my music, to still be able to support what I stand for as an individual.
I want to be available to the community. I want to open up an establishment in numerous cities that provide low-income individuals with the resources necessary to kickstart an opportunity with their interest of the arts whether it be as an artist, videographer, photographer, dancer, writer, singer, actress, or anything else in that realm.
I want a recording studio to be accessible, as well as a performance space, mentors, equipment, classes, and workshops with people available to help bring their ideas to life, to view, and to the world. These are all art forms and they hold so much power. I want people to find that power and channel it in a positive, welcoming environment. Generating this type of opportunity gives these individuals a resource to continue on and do the same for others.
HC: What are you involved in on campus?
CP: I am a Sophomore Theatre (Musical Theatre Emphasis) major. Coming into Valdosta State, I wanted to get out of my comfort zone, be involved on campus, and find ways to appeal to the student body. This is my second semester being a part of Media Arts Geniuses where I am active in the Talent Committee as a singer, rapper, dancer, poet, and actor.
I recently joined Cheaux Love where I now spend about 4 hours a week at an establishment called QUOLA doing volunteer work to help rebuild and replenish [its] after school program composed of about 8 students. I’m so excited about the progress that is being made there!
Being so that my title of Miss Phi Beta Sigma hasn’t been handed on to the next Queen, I’m serving as the Pageant Coordinator and helping the girls individually on their talents that they plan to bring forth this year.
I am the Alpha Lambda Delta (Freshman Honor Society) Secretary, where we are working on different community service efforts as well as programs for students on campus. I’ve also performed at numerous events this semester through different organizations including, WildnOut, the DJ/Rap Battle, Shadows Within, Icebreaker, the Kel Mitchell Dinner and Comedy Show, and Game of Thrones.
HC: What are you currently doing to influence students on campus?
CP: Hard work has no longer become just an action for me; it is a mindset. So not only am I always working, always performing, and always on the go, but I’m always in constant thought on what I can do next. I try my hardest to show the student body that anything they put their mind to, they can accomplish. Even outside of Valdosta State, in a bigger sense, I always showcase all the good things that happen in my life, because I know that people are watching and will work harder to be in the same position.
As an artist, I use my music to excite others to chase after what it is that they want. It absolutely warms my heart when people tell me I inspire them to work harder to receive as many accomplishments as I have. Valdosta State made that happen. I have so much time to grow, but having this flame ignite so early on, others are able to watch me grow and help me help them in the same process. I’m not afraid to say that everything I involve myself with gets difficult at times; however, that’s the beauty of it.

HC: Why should you be chosen for Homecoming Queen?

CP: I should be Homecoming Queen because I feel that I am a great representation of the individuals in our student body. We all have dreams and aspirations that we want to reach and accomplish. I want to be the symbol for that journey. Yes, I love this school in its entirety, but I want students here to see that hard work should exist even after graduation approaches.

VSU really helped me find myself and dig deep into what my calling was. And that’s to inspire. To motivate. To drive. To excite. To defy odds. “Just when you thought she couldn’t pull that off, she did it. Wow.” That’s what I want people to think of when they see Carla Paige, with or without the crown.
HC: If you were to be crowned Homecoming Queen, how would you use your title to impact our campus?
CP: I wouldn’t use the title of Homecoming Queen to impact our campus. I would use my continuous efforts to impact the campus. The title is just a bonus, but the work falls under me as an individual. I want VSU to be more personal. I want to take the time out to go speak to individual organizations and get their opinions on what they want from VSU to bring us closer together as a university. I plan on finding ways to make students feel that the campus events are aimed more so towards their interests, especially around Homecoming.
One of the biggest things I plan on putting together is a concert within the month of Homecoming with performers from VSU, as well as other universities, with a celebrity to close out the show. The proceeds will be used towards funding mammograms for women who can’t afford them. The #MammogramMission. It is Breast Cancer Awareness Month so it would definitely be appropriate. I want that to continue every year in a collaborative effort with the hospital here in Valdosta.
HC: What sets you apart from other candidates?
CP: This is in no way, shape, form, or fashion a quest to win for my personal satisfaction. I genuinely love the people and what I do here. Receiving honors, such as being Homecoming Queen, are mere testaments of faith. I embody selflessness. Even though I work as hard as I do and try to be visual on campus, it’s really just to excite that passion in others to do the same. I want all of VSU to thrive together through whatever their talents are. I will stop at nothing to achieve that.


Voting starts Tuesday, October 21.

Her Campus at Valdosta State.
President/Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus Valdosta State, and a Mass Media major. Loves spaghetti and is currently waiting for someone to teach her how to play her guitar. Never meets a stranger. Hi :)