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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

A lot of people struggle with the gift of goodbye. Some people just can’t let others go, failing to realize it is a gift to them and for the other person. You are going meet people who will walk out of your life. While it may be hard, if they want to go, let them. When people have it in their heart to leave you, make sure you let them go. You are not the first person who’s had someone walk out of their life. Trust that it will not be the last. Everybody cannot hold positions in your life; some people are like seasons. Do not let another person’s decision to leave your life determine your worth or value. Sometimes God removes people from your life because of opportunities for growth. These people may be moving out of your life because something better is coming your way. You are making room for people who deserve to be in your life. If you find yourself begging people to stay in your life, here are three ways to receive the gift of goodbye.

1. Get closer to God.

When you have a relationship with God, it does not matter when other relationships with man do not work out. God will fill your life with love and peace so that you obtain the gift of goodbye naturally. When you build a relationship with God, He fills the emptiness that no one else can fill, and no one will ever fill. God shows you things and help you understand the importance of having the gift of goodbye. God will show you people’s true intentions, so letting people go will be easy for you to do. You will not question God or the relationship that did not last, whether it is a friendship or a romantic relationship. Once you have a relationship with God, you realize everything happens for a reason and something better is coming your way. God makes room for the right things in your life when He knows you.

2. Focus on yourself.

When you focus on yourself you can take time to heal. Work on yourself and build your self-esteem. When you cannot walk away from someone who acts like you are not deserving of love, it means you need to work on self-esteem. People with low self-esteem cannot walk away from people who hurt them because they feel they are not worthy of love. When you focus on yourself, you will learn how worthy you are of love. Just because people leave your life does not mean you are not worthy of love. When you focus on yourself, you learn who and what is important in your life. You do not rely on others to make you feel special or loved because you already have it in yourself. When you focus on yourself, you know when people come in your life you will be perfectly fine when or if they choose to leave. You are going meet people who test your self-esteem, but if you have taken time to focus on yourself you are going pass any test that is thrown at you.

3. Stop holding on and try new things.

Open your life up to receiving new energy, new opportunity, and new people. Stop thinking that what you got is best thing you will ever have. Things can only get better. Things only elevate in time. Stop believing your happiness ends when someone leaves because it does not. Once you stop holding onto things that are trying to leave your life, you learn that there are new energies, new opportunities, and new people knocking at the door. You cannot let go because you have lost hope for the future. You must understand that you are feeling hopeless and having a low moment. Yes, let yourself have that low moment, but you must remember to pick yourself up and move on with your life.

woman walking across the street in the snow
Photo by Rodolfo Sanches Carvalho from Unsplash
The gift of goodbye takes work and power, but you can obtain the gift of goodbye. Remember there will be people in your life that are going to let you down, but you cannot let that get the best of you. You must learn the gift of goodbye. When you have the gift of goodbye, nobody can come into your life and take away your joy. Know that when people cannot serve you or don’t mean you any good, they leave because God is blocking them out of your life. He knows they mean no good. Some people are lessons and nothing more. As long as you have God, you do not need anyone to make you feel special or good about yourself. You are only able to have successful relationships with others when you are able to validate yourself. It begins from the inside; so, when someone decides to walk out of your life, give them the gift of goodbye, let them go, and make sure you lock the door so they cannot come back.

Bonny is a transfer student from Georgia Military College, having obtained her associates degree in communication science in Summer 2020. She then transferred to Valdosta State in Fall 2020. She is now a mass media major in her junior year, looking to experience media like she never dreamed of! Bonny's hope that someday her work reaches you and many more.