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Finals and how to get through them!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

Step 1: Procrastinate

Let’s be honest. When finals come we all say, “I’m gonna study ahead of time this semester” or “I’m not going to wait till the last minute again.” While these two things are rather easy to do, the vast majority probably relates more to “Oh no, finals are tomorrow and I haven’t studied a thing.” But it’s okay because there are contingencies just for this situation.

Step 2: Cramming

Now we all at some point have crammed in hopes of passing these final exams/assignments. There’s no shame in that. The best way to cram is by using the technique of active recall. Active Recall is what is happening when we blurt out information or when we explain a topic we’ve learned to someone else. This is one of the best ways. Also, watch out for the Forgetting Curve.

Step 3: Breathe

I know it’s stressful. I know it’s scary but the cool thing is, you will get through this. We will get through this. Stop, pause, and take a deep breath. You got this. You know you do. Now go prove yourself right!


Kayla Eason

Valdosta '22

Greetings everybody. My name is Kayla. I’m a Scorpio and a junior in college. I am also lgBtqia+. I identify as gender fluid and my pronouns are she/he/they. I wanted to be a part of Her Campus to be a part of something bigger than me. I also wanted to write about important topics and make sure that I give accurate and truthful information without sounding boring. I’m going to make sure that I write in a casual way.