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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

Hello beautiful ladies!

happy halloween sign
Photo by Mel Poole from Unsplash

At the time of me writing this article, it is Halloween! You’re more than likely reading it after the fact, but I hope you had a great Halloween. I know a lot of y’all celebrated the night before or even celebrated both days. I hope you were safe in doing so. We all deserve some type of fun considering the type of year we’ve had. I actually regret not celebrating. For the longest, I didn’t celebrate because of fear.

rep image, cat eyes, halloween, costume
Photo by Sarah Pflug from Burst.shopify

I’m a scary person. The last horror movie I willingly watched was Gothika starring Halle Berry back in 2005. I try to stay away from anything gory or even anxiety riddling. In elementary school, my teachers would read a book with audio that would keep me up at night. For the longest, I slept with a nightlight… all the way up to sixth grade year. In 2002, I went trick-or treating and was so scarred that I didn’t celebrate for ten years. Crazy, right? Halloween has always been my source of fear. Of course, this blue moon has some people on edge and not wanting to go out on Halloween this year. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized that it’s not as scary as I’ve made it. I regret not taking advantage of it this year.

Standing around a variety of pumpkins
Photo by Briana Tozour from Unsplash

I hope y’all had a great Halloween. If you didn’t celebrate (just because you didn’t want to not for religious reasons), then try it out next year, maybe? Idk. I can’t tell you what to do.  If it’s not a time to dress up and go to parties, just hang out with your closest friends and make it more fun, I guess.

orange pumpkin on field
Photo by Marius Ciocirlan from Unsplash
With love + spooky feels,

Marissa Auriell




Dom Pollard

Valdosta '22

Dom is a sophomore, majoring in Interdisciplinary Studies with concentrations in African American Studies and Sociology. They plan on doing work in either education, activism, film, or all three. They are a queer individual who speaks their mind and provides love + other elements to bring perspective to HERCampus Valdosta. HCXO!
Her Campus at Valdosta State.