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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

Long-distance relationships are often doubted. Whether it is a matter of communication or the loneliness being unbearable, long-distance relationships often come with a negative connotation. With the changes that are occurring, it comes with heaps of emotions that can sometimes get too much. However, the distance is worth it if the person is worth it.

Finding the person that you are scared of losing is a huge accomplishment. You feel as if you could face anything the world brings on as long as that special person is by your side. Change is inevitable. Familiarity and normalcy will be tested. Things will not always be easy, especially when it comes to being apart. The distance is not for everyone, that’s certain.

The first time you say goodbye, the tears roll down your face. It feels like you’re losing a part of you because that person is such a significant person in your life. Your chest will ache, and you will be filled with dread. The first year being apart will be the toughest. You are both getting used to not seeing each other for months. When you get to college, you pretend like there are not miles separating you. It will be hard, and the distance will drive your relationship to its breaking points. Not just once, but it will do this many times. That’s the ugly truth of long-distance relationships. It is a rollercoaster that is filled with more downs than ups. Distractions will only suffice for a little while before your mind starts wandering again. This is okay. You will be okay. There are things to look forward to, things to keep you going.

Arguments will occur, and disagreements will take over your conversations at times. When you are living two different lives in two difference places, it will be difficult to understand certain aspects and situations. There will be moments where you feel like the trust in your relationship is wavering. Just keep in mind, most things happen in the heat of the moment. You will both look back the next day and realize how silly the conversation sounded. The trust was never broken. It just trembled, because distance clouds your minds.

Focus on the positives that surround you. More than likely, before you were apart, you spent so much time with the person you loved. Now is the time to make new friends or reconnect with old ones. Take the extra time to try new things. Learning independence will make your relationship stronger, strangely enough. You will not have to depend on your significant other to be happy. They are not there to build you up, they’re there to support you and stand by your side as you build yourself up. It is vital to remember this. In the end, the pressure of the relationship should not lie solely on one side, it will lie on both of your shoulders as you work together to become stronger. Time apart will allow you to ponder on what’s important in your relationship. It will even give you reassurance he’s the one you want to wake up next to every morning.

Distance really does make the heart grow fonder. When you are re-united, nothing will feel more satisfying than the relief. Everything feels normal again as if distance never separated you at all. Being together will feel normal. You will probably cling on a little tighter, not wanting to lose them to distance again. The time you spend with your significant other will remind you why they are the one you want to aim for forever with. Do not rely on the words of others. Others will give their opinions, but no one else knows your relationship more than you and your significant other. Listen to your head and your heart. Listen to their head and their heart. It is important to consider both sides of thoughts because after all, it is your other half. Focus on what is at the end of this hardship, and the joy will overcome any doubts and uncertainty you are facing. Remember, it is all worth it if the person is worth it. 


Sylvia Leong is a mass media major at Valdosta State University hoping to achieve her goal of securing a job in sports broadcasting. This Georgia peach loves all shades of blue, football season, and charming her way with sarcasm. Follow on Instagram and Twitter: svia96
Her Campus at Valdosta State.