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7 Tips to Get You Through “That Time of the Month”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

We all know how it can get when “Aunt Flow” comes to visit. I know that I normally don’t want to be around people, get out of bed, or do anything for that matter. Don’t even get me started on those terrible headaches, cramps, and fatigue. There’s always Midol and other pain killers, but sometimes they just don’t do the job. So, here are a few things that can make this horrible time just a little less bad for you.

1. Have some hot tea

Swap that cup of coffee out for a hot cup of tea! Teas are the best thing ever—and they’re even better during your period. Drinking hot tea helps soothe cramps and it’s also very tasty. Chamomile and ginger tea are known to be great cramp-soothers, not to mention they’re delicious!

2. Avoid Caffeine

As tempting as sodas, coffee, and chocolate can be, it can be your worst nightmare. Caffeine makes your cramps ten times worse. Not only do they make your cramps worse, but they increase the chances of headaches, fatigue, body aches, mood swings, irritability—in other words, they make you feel worse than your period already does.

3. Use a heating pad

Heating pads are literally Heaven-sent during that time of the month! Just apply it directly to where you’re cramping and the pain almost completely disappears. Since you’re more than likely hibernating in your bed, it’s nice to just sit there and relax, yet do something to make yourself feel better at the same times.

4. Avoid dairy products

Whether you’re lactose intolerant or not, milk, cheese, and other dairy products are something you want to stay far away from. Although it may be hard to avoid dairy completely, as many foods contain dairy, it’s of your best interest to intake as little of it as possible. I know, I know. Sometimes you can get really emotional during this time, but stay away from that tub of ice cream. It is not your friend!

5. Exercise

This is probably the very last thing you want to do while you’re on your period. If you’re anything like me, you probably cramp really badly and just feel exhausted. Who wants to work out while you’re feeling this way? Well, maybe this will change your mind a bit. It’s good for you and reduces cramps!

6. Stay away from sweets

I know how hard it can be to avoid eating sweets during that time of the month. Especially because it’s the one time you crave sweets the most. Beware: sweets can be your worst enemy during your period! All of the sugar causes you to feel…well…disgusting. Think about it—it’s sugar. It makes you sluggish, more tired, and it even increases your moodiness. So, think about that next time you’re on your period before you reach for those cinnamon rolls…or maybe that’s just me!

7. Drink plenty of water

Trust me—I’m the last one to preach about drinking water. It’s boring, has no taste, and to me, it ruins the taste of my food. However, water has to be your best friend while you’re on your period. Drinking lots of water isn’t only just a great thing for your body, but it decreases water retention, which causes bad cramping and bloating. If you’re not too big on drinking straight water, you can add lemon to it for a bit of flavoring or you can just eat natural fruits. Fruits contain tons of water and are a great alternative. It’s a nice source of water and you can enjoy a healthy snack in the process. 


Her Campus at Valdosta State.