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6 Struggles That Only a Girl Understands

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

Girls, we are one of the most complex creatures to roam planet Earth. With a million different things going on in our lives, it is amazing that we still manage to deal with the everyday struggles of being a girl.

1. Every girl can agree that no matter how many bobby pins and hair ties we buy, there will never be enough them. Those suckers just seem to always disappear, no matter how we decide to organize and keep up with them; eventually we will end up losing all of them and rushing desperately to Walmart to buy more!

2. Most girls do not wash their hair everyday; in fact, the less frequently we wash our hair, the better. With all the stress we put our hair through, it’s vital that it receives the sufficient amount of nutrients and natural oils it needs. And yes, we use dry shampoo way more than we admit to; we have to control the dandruff that will eventually begin to show due to the lack of washing! Note that most of the collections of shampoos and conditioners stacked in our bathrooms are rarely used completely.

3. Only girls understand the pain of having to scrub our favorite pair of Victoria’s Secret panties because mother mature decided to pay us a visit. We all have a set of panties specifically aimed for when we begin our cycle; there will eventually be a day when mother nature stopped by and left us a present. Do not be afraid or surprised if one day you happen to walk in a girl’s bathroom and find a pair of panties soaking in a sea of red water.

4. Although most of the time we are hoping that we do not have to wear one, they are truly a girl’s best friend: a bra. So you can only imagine the heartbreak and betrayal a girl goes through when her bra wire begins to poke her. It is time to throw the bra away and find a new favorite one to wear, because of course we tend to wear the same bra repeatedly and like our hair, they are washed occasionally.

5. After struggling to get the perfect identical set of eyeliner wings, it would be a complete tragedy if our hard work was destroyed. Throughout the day we begin to get tired and less worried (and aware) that we still have makeup on and unintentionally rub our eyes, causing us to look less like runway models and more like pandas. Maybe looking like a panda isn’t so bad.

6. So you finally get home from a long day of work, school, meetings, and studying. You finally lie down and begin to get comfortable, eventually dozing off. You then realize that you still have on all the pounds of makeup you’ve been wearing all day! You are now faced with one of the hardest decisions of the day: you can either get up from heaven and go wash your face or you can fall asleep with the guilt of knowing that years from now your face will make you pay the price for not getting up that night.

Being a girl is fascinating and fun, even with all the behind the scenes struggles we go through on top of our crazy emotional break downs. With all of this in mind, it is no wonder being a girls represents fierceness with virtue!

Her Campus at Valdosta State.