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Wellness > Sex + Relationships

5 thoughtful gifts to get your partner

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

Love is in the air, and even though you’re supposed to share love every day, Valentine’s day is the day to show love and affection to your significant other. Buying a gift is okay, but it’s not great. It’s love day, and it should be about the unique love you guys share. Your love shouldn’t be based on a quote in a four dollar card from the corner store, and this is when I jump into my first gift.

1. Written Love Letters

Written love letters are so much better than a store-bought card. You can put anything, like inside jokes or nicknames you call each other. Personally, I would make three letters to explain how the love progressed. The cards would be the first time I saw you, the first time I realized I love you, and our future love. 

Love letter with flowers
Pezibear on Pixabay

2. Collage of all pictures

A collage of all the pictures over a couple of months or years y’all been together could be a nice way to reminisce on the good old times. Especially for college students, it could be a nice thing to hang on your wall and look at when you are far away from your boo thing.

Mia Ingui | Her Campus

3. Mason Jar filled with love

From the hairs on their head to the nail on their pinky toe, every inch of that person is the reason why you love them so much. On a posted note, write down one thing you love about him/her. It’s a good mental and emotional release gift when you’re stressed. Your significant other can open the mason jar and read the notes whenever they’re down. Remember, baby, you’re flawless. Period!

post it wall of love
Kyle Glenn

4. Promise ring

Yes, I know that sounds like a huge step, but love is a serious and STRONG word. If you believe that the love is sincere, it’s a beautiful way to show a forever. A promise ring can mean a lot of different meanings like forever friendship, forever love, etc. It’s on that on you how you present it.

Courtesy of GLDN

5.A basket full of goodies

Please keep it simple, get small things that your lover may like, and put them in a basket. It could be snacks, 2-3 pictures, beanies, small self-care products, etc. You should quiz yourself and see if you really know everything they like. The basket can look like an expensive gift, but it doesn’t matter because it’s the thought that counts. 

Her Campus Media

Valentine’s day isn’t all about the gifts. Buying expensive gifts doesn’t express true love in the relationship. You should keep it simple but unique and let the gift come from the heart. The little things equal big things, but don’t forget that quality time is the best gift. Enjoy Valentine’s day by enjoying their company and admiring the beauty of love.  

Simone Hill

Valdosta '23

Simone Hill is a sophomore at Valdosta State, majoring in Communication Disorder and minoring in Psychology. Her goal is to work in a school system as a Speech Pathologist or a counselor, but she loves to sit back and watch Netflix and draw in her spare time. She also loves to design and paint stuff in her room. "A creative mind never sleeps," a quote by an anonymous author.