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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

1. Go to class.

woman in a gray sweater taking notes on white paper
Anna Earl on Unsplash

The first step to attaining good grades in a class is to actually attend the class. In college, there is a large temptation to skip class as no one is checking in on you but take the initiative and go to class even if the teacher doesn’t take attendance. You paid for the class, you might as well get the most out of it.

2. Take better notes.

person sketching on a white pad
Chance Centeno on Unsplash
In college, it is important not just to take notes but to take good notes. Some ways to make the best notes are…

1. Don’t just copy the slides, write down what your professor is saying as that will definitely be on the exam.

2. Color code our notes!!! I adopted this technique in 11th grade, and it changed how I took notes forever. Also, write your notes in pen. It’s much easier on your wrists.

3. Review the notes you take after the class. Refresh the information in your mind.

3. Don’t party too hard.

girl sleeping in black and white
Kinga Cichewicz
With college classes as early as eight in the morning, you can’t afford to party too hard Sunday night and miss the class. Also, a sleep-deprived student is less likely to fully understand what the teacher is explaining.

4. Ask for help.

I can\'t help you mad men sally draper
Lionsgate Television

Sometimes the only one who can help you succeed is yourself. If you don’t understand what a professor is saying, make sure to ask questions and attend study sessions, especially the ones before a test in the class. You’d be surprised to find out what you’ll learn. 

Happy Studying! HCXO!


Hello, my names Yetunde Oluwadare (pronounced Yeah-tune-day) I am 18 years old and a freshman at VSU. I love to paint, draw, and cook in my free time and I'm also a psychology major.
Her Campus at Valdosta State.