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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

For some of us ladies, the gym is our sanctuary, a place where we go to feel better about ourselves, release stress and build relationships with other ladies who live for leg day. For others, the gym can be a scary place which actually makes us feel worse about our bodies, induces stress and makes us feel isolated. And for the rest of us, the gym is a fun place to go when we actually have time to fit it in our schedules…so maybe by April, we’ll give it a go again.

No matter where your relationship with the gym falls along the spectrum, it’s true that sometimes you just can’t make it but still want to work out. Here’s three gym-free ways you can get your sweat on without a strict af dress code or unwarranted flirting from Mr. Buff on the treadmill.

1. Incidental Exercise

Incidental exercise is the exercise you do without even thinking about it. It’s a way to burn calories by making simple healthy choices in your everyday life.

Common incidental exercises are taking the stairs instead of the elevator or parking farther away at the grocery store so that you have to walk more. You could also try doing calf raises while you wait on your mac ‘n’ cheese to heat up in the microwave or do jumping jacks during commercial breaks. My cousin actually does squats while she brushes her teeth!

2. Youtube Videos

We no longer have to rent “Walk Away the Pounds” from the library or Richard Simmons’ videos from Blockbuster. Now we have thousands of workout videos available for free on our screens. My favorite channels are blogilates and POPSUGAR fitness. Both channels emanate positive vibes and usually have modifications for each exercise. 

Blogilates, ran by the adorable Cassey Ho, features exciting challenges you can do with Cassey any time such as the #100abchallenge or the #100squatchallenge. 

POPSUGAR Fitness has over 1000 videos and features workouts as short as 1 minute and as long as 45 minutes. You can find full body workouts, workouts specific to your abs, thighs, etc. or simple demonstrations on how to properly squat. Cassey from blogilates also has a killer butt workout on POPSUGAR that always leaves me feeling sore in the very best way.

3. Dance Party

Meredith Grey and Cristina Yang were onto something with their infamous dance parties. A short little dance break frees your mind, boosts your mood and releases tightness all while burning calories. When in doubt, dance it out!  

Don’t sweat it next time you ditch the gym. Try one of these gym-free exercises, and remember, as long as you’re moving, you’re lapping everyone still chilling on the couch. 



Presley Lovins

Valdosta '20

Presley is a raging feminist studying communication and dance at Valdosta State University. City girl from Atlanta, she loves all things classic rock and is passionate about empowering women. In her free time Presley enjoys yoga, poetry and painting.