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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWM chapter.

If you’re a die-hard Parks and Rec fan like me, you understand the three word reference of “treat yo self” quite well. Whether you want to pamper yourself like Donna, get all boujee like Tom or go all out with a batman suit or something random like Ben, everyone deserves a “treat yo self” day. Tom and Donna set aside a day each year to put life on pause. This special day of their’s comes along just when they need it. For us, balancing school, various part-time jobs, internships, keeping up with friends and attempting to make time for sleep and food is extremely hard to manage at times. Sometimes we forget about ourselves and what it was life before our lives were a hectic mess. As Tom, Donna and Ben do on Parks and Rec, they set aside a day where they have no limits and can treat themselves from dawn until dusk. 

Pick a day.  Put that phone on silent, ignore those emails and dive into mimosas. ‘Treat yo self!’ Saw a brand new pair of boots online that have your name written on them? ‘Treat yo self!’ Your nails look like they could use a touch up, who said you need an occasion to get a mani/pedi? ‘Treat yo self!’ Wonder what it would be like to dine at one of the finest restaurants in Milwaukee? You’ll never know unless you try? ‘Treat yo self!’ I know as college students treating ourselves may harm our bank accounts since we don’t have those big bucks to spend…but maybe we can let it slide just for one single day. ‘Treat you self!’ Your bank account will eventually forgive you but your mental health and stability will thank you dearly for giving them a day of pampering and relaxation. Unfortunately, our ‘treat yo self’ day will come to an end. We’ll be forced to return to reality, but pausing life just for a moment and treating ourselves can be just what we need to be to keep us moving forward.  

Just a 22-year-old Wisconsin college student with a whole lot of Minnesota pride. You can catch me serving coffee, watching netflix and exploring as many new places as I can.