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Surviving Exam Season When You’re Sick as a Dog

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.


Statistics show that when you’re the most stressed out is when you’re the most susceptible to disease and illness. So, if you’re studying hard and starting to feel under the weather, don’t be surprised. Instead, use the following tips to make it through your exams. The Holidays are at the other end of the tunnel, I promise.

Get the Proper Rest

Rest, rest, rest. People tend to overwork themselves during exams and if you’re sick, that is going to be way more detrimental to you. Take breaks when you need to. You’ll make yourself even sicker if you try to push yourself to the normal limit. And it will have a better impact on your exam scores; getting a good sleep and barely studying is actually better for you than cramming all through the night, anyways.


Don’t Freak Out

It’s not a big deal and you’re not the only one going through it so don’t be a baby. Don’t act out and make people feel bad for you because that’s not fair. Just do your best to get through it without making everyone around you feel like they’re going through it too.There is a difference, however, between constantly complaining about a small cold and being so sick that you can’t get out of bed. Make sure you know the difference and don’t hesitate to ask for help.


Extensions and Doctor’s Notes

That being said, if you need a doctor’s note because you absolutely cannot make it to a final, get on that. Teachers are always willing to give extensions if you have the right paperwork and exams aren’t worth harming your physical and mental health over. Do what’s right for your situation.


Feed Yourself Right

Feeding yourself junk food will only add a stomach ache to the list of your already painful and yucky symptoms. Stick to fresh fruit, veggies, good carbs and protein. Or curl up with a bowl of chicken noodle soup. You’ll thank yourself in the long run. As well, in terms of liquids, stick to the clear fluids. Water is obviously the number one option but if you want to mix it up a bit, try decaffeinated, herbal teas. They are the best for soothing sore throats and sore stomachs.


Positive Thoughts

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can…. Just keep telling yourself that. If you smile long enough, you’ll start to feel happy. Instead of thinking about how much it sucks to be under the weather, think about the silver lining. If you can get through this, then you can get through anything! Or, if that doesn’t work, visualize the end goal. “Yes, I’m sick, but next week it won’t matter because I’ll be spending Christmas with my family!”