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How to Survive Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

We all know that exam time is very stressful and not an easy time whatsoever. Here are a few tips to help you get through exams:

1. Start studying now

We all know the art of procrastination, but if you can force yourself to study now, you should. Give yourself time to prepare and absorb the information so that you won’t be as stressed out come exam day.

2. Get enough sleep

Do not stay up all night the night before your toughest exam. The best way to remember everything and have the most well-thought-out answers is to make sure that you’re not falling asleep as you’re writing. That extra cramming will barely help you if you’re tired.

3. Lay off the coffee

I know you may feel as if you need coffee to stay awake and to keep going, but coffee will just make you more anxious. Try tea instead. It still has some caffeine in it, but your body can handle it and it will make you feel one hundred times better.

4. Take breaks

Your body and mind can’t handle 8 hours straight of studying. 5-10 minute breaks are important to re-energize but so are a couple hours or even a day off. Take some time for yourself. Go get your nails done, go do some Christmas shopping, or go out for lunch with some friends. Just take some time to focus on something else.

5. Eat Healthy

Yes you’re busy,  poor, and currently living off of apples and granola bars. But eating a nutritious meal will make you feel better mentally and physically and will give you the energy to power on.

6. Schedule!

Write down when all your exams are, when you work and if you have anything else going on. This way you can schedule when you should study for what. If you have 3 exams within 24 hours, see about changing one of them so you aren’t over-stressed.

7. Study groups

Studying in a group isn’t for everyone, but it’s a great way to see different people’s opinions and to go over things. It’s also a change from you reading over your notes by yourself in your room for the hundredth time.

8. Bring tissues

Exam time can be stressful and emotional. Whether you just found out you could fail or you’re just done with life after pulling an all-nighter in the library, keep some tissues and maybe some extra mascara on hand.

9. Don’t let it affect your mental health

Your mental health is more important than any grade, so do not let exam time affect that. If you feel anxious, take a walk, call a friend, pet a dog, cat, horse, turtle, etc. If you feel stressed, take a break. If you feel too emotional, just remember, it’s just a grade.  

10. Be positive!

You’re going to do amazing on your exams! Don’t stress too much, work hard, but not too hard, and everything will be okay! Good luck!

Hi everyone, my name is Sadie and I am a third year student studying Sociology. My hobbies include reading, writing, horseback riding, and eating sushi with friends.
Bryanna Millben

Laurier Brantford '20

Hi! I'm a fourth-year at Wilfrid Laurier University working towards a BA in English with a minor in History, and the Campus Correspondent/President for HC Laurier Brantford. I have a super sweet golden retriever named Marley, and aspire to work in Public Relations.