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How I Manage Fasting For Ramadan And Being A University Student. 

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and it is considered the holiest of them all. This month is marked by Muslims fasting from sunrise to sunset and giving zakat, which is a form of almsgiving. This is a month where we practice self-discipline and gratitude, and it’s also the month for giving. Ramadan serves as a time to slow down and reflect, and it is exactly what I need.

While Ramadan is an enjoyable time of the year for many Muslims, it can be hard to manage fasting with work and school, especially during times of the year when Ramadan falls around the final exam season. It can be hard to get anything done when you’re tired and your entire schedule is turned upside down. Luckily for me, this isn’t my first Ramadan dealing with work and school, so here are some tips to get you through this holy month while still meeting your deadlines. 

When fasting, it can be hard to maintain your regular routine, especially since you have to wake up at 4am to eat Suhoor, which is the last meal you eat before sunrise when the fasting period begins. Try to maintain some normalcy by sleeping at the same time every night and waking for suhoor around that time as well. This will help you feel less disoriented and tired because you will be sure to get the same amount of sleep every day. 

Studying and getting assignments done is hard enough on its own, but trying to do this while feeling fatigued from fasting can feel impossible. A simple solution would be to create a schedule dedicating specific days and time slots to study and get work done. This can help you stay on track and avoid procrastinating. If you are like me and find it hard to study in small increments, then I recommend that you dedicate a whole day to studying for one class or getting an assignment done. This usually helps me stay focused and motivated. 

Fasting from sunrise to sundown is not an easy task, and it can get hard when you’re leading a busy, demanding life. Feeling fatigued and exhausted can be solved by taking a break or napping. Another thing to consider is the food that you eat; it’s important to eat a well-balanced meal and to stay hydrated; make sure to incorporate electrolytes into your diet.  Electrolytes will help you feel less tired and distracted during the day.

Ramadan is meant to be a month filled with joy and self-reflection. It’s important to learn to balance school and fasting so you can optimize your Ramadan experience. Remember to take a break, and don’t be too hard on yourself!

Ayat Ibrahim

UWindsor '24

Ayat is a fourth year English Literature student, lover of cats, food and coffee. In her spare time, she can be found either reading or watching bad sitcoms.