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Get Out of Your Comfort Zone with Clubs Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

Last week, the UWSA hosted the first Clubs Week of the semester. Unfortunately, some groups had to move around due to the rain, but many clubs were still able to spend most of each day speaking to other students about their organizations. The CAW was set up like a maze with each student group having a table – including Her Campus UWindsor!

Clubs Week is a great time to come out and learn about different groups on campus. Each group had a lot of valuable information to share and offered something unique and different. A few of these groups were the Lancer Band with their own geofilter on SnapChat, POWS (Pinoy Organization of Windsor Students) with their colourful booth, friends of MSF promoting a fundraising night at Bull ‘n’ Barrel, Women in Engineering and their display, Pre-Law Society selling t-shirts, UWin Print Club with examples of their work, Best Buddies showing happy photographs of their members, Caring for Cambodia highly visible in their yellow shirts, and the English Undergraduate Student Association with the tallest presentation board to be seen. There were many other groups present as well. If you didn’t get the chance to come out or want to find a specific group, you can go to the UWSA Hub

Getting involved on campus has several benefits. Firstly, it’s a great way to expand your social group and meet students who have the same interests as you. Getting out of your comfort zone can help you realize unknown talents and make friendships you would have missed out on. Joining a club can also be great for your future! Whether you’re going to Graduate School or aiming for an entry-level job towards the career of your dreams, having club participation on your resume and Co-Curricular Transcript not only looks promising but also shows that you’ve gained skills outside of your Undergraduate education. Being part of a club also gives you a sense of pride and responsibility. You get to work with your peers on projects that mean something to you and feel an incredible sense of accomplishment when you pull it off.

If you can’t find a club that’s right for you, don’t panic! You can gather your friends and start your own club. Do what you can to make your undergraduate experience the best it can be!

I am one of the Campus Correspondents for Her Campus UWindsor. I am enrolled in English & Creative Writing and Visual Arts. Art, music, and writing are my obsessions! But my heart also belongs to books and big dogs.