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At Home Remedies for When You’re Feeling Under the Weather

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

You aren’t always able to go to the clinic when you’re not feeling well. There are many things that can get in your way, such as issues with availability, transportation, or even convenience. This may be discouraging, but don’t lose heart! There are many easy remedies that you can do at home – or straight from your dorm – that will have you feeling better in no time.

Get lots of sleep

This may seem all too simple, but sometimes extra rest is all the body needs. Sleep is the body’s natural defense system against illness. While awake, the body uses your stored energy for things like thinking and moving around; however, while asleep, your body can direct this energy towards your immune system, helping you heal. By getting a few extra hours of sleep, you may notice yourself already starting to feel better.

Drink warm tea with honey

Not only is staying hydrated a tried and true method of curing a mild sickness, but warm tea with honey specializes in sore throats. The warmth of the tea can help soothe a sore throat, while the honey can act as a cough suppressant. Depending on what kind of tea you drink, there are many other benefits you can gain, such as an immune system boost, antioxidants, vitamin C, and antimicrobial and antiviral properties.

Use a humidifier

A humidifier is a machine that adds moisture to the air. This can be extremely beneficial when you are feeling under the weather. Humidifiers can help to relieve some discomforts of a cold. They can help to treat dryness of the throat, nose and lips, as well as relieving a stuffy nose and breaking up mucus. There are many cheap humidifiers that can be found online, like this mini humidifier on amazon for only $5.29. Just place a humidifier on your desk, and soon enough you’ll notice some relief.

Eat some chicken soup

Chicken soup is a classic home remedy for the common cold. The ingredients in chicken soup contain nutrients that support your body’s immune system. The warmth and hydration from the soup can also help to soothe a sore throat and to make you feel better overall. Chicken soup can be purchased in a can from any grocery store, or you could be ambitious and make your own. Try out this recipe from Damn Delicious; you should notice a rapid change in how you are feeling.

Take vitamins

Vitamins can help to boost your immune system and fight against illness. Taking supplements for vitamins A, C, D, and E will definitely make you feel better. Vitamin A helps to fight infections with its antioxidant properties. It  can help to regulate immune cells and strengthen your immune system overall. Vitamin C helps with iron absorption, wound healing, collagen formation, protection against free radicals, and more. Vitamin D performs many functions, such as supporting brain and muscle function. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is believed to aid the immune system. Vitamin E helps your immune system to break down and fight off foreign particles and fend off bacteria. All these vitamins can help to boost your health and get rid of your sickness.

In conclusion, whether you find yourself affected by a sore throat, a stuffy nose, a mild fever, or you just aren’t feeling your best, use the at home remedies found above for some relief.

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Jamie Novakovic

UWindsor '27

Hi there! I'm Jamie Novakovic. I am a first year french studies major. I love reading and writing, as well as dance.