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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWG chapter.

Only into my second month of my senior year, I scan a line in one of my email subjects that read, “Our records indicate that you have reached senior classification. If you have not already done so, you will need to submit an application and fee for graduation by October 1.”

I’ve been getting this reminder email about once a week since the semester started. Oddly enough I continue to shove it to the side and think to myself, I have plenty of time for that. I think this exact routine is something I have practiced since my freshman year of college. Constantly thinking I had all the time in the world during social events, when choosing courses to take, or landing internships, the list can go on and on. I have become accustomed to falling back in my safety net way of thinking, “believing” I can do it later. Well here I am, a little over a week before the deadline to submit my graduation application and just like each instance before I find the time sneaking up just a little faster than expected. I never really believed the seniors that recycled the “enjoy the next four years, they’ll be gone before you know it” lines. However, here I am wishing I may have taken these simple words to heart just a little bit more. Here are two tips I wish I fully understood as an underclassmen.


  1. Use the time you have RIGHT NOW.

If there is one thing I wish I did, this would be it. Start preparing for senior year early. Take as many opportunities as you can. I’ll say that again. Take as many opportunities as you can and enjoy each of them. There are so many opportunities on campus right in front of you. Each time you involve yourself in something you allow possibilities to gain knowledge, peers, mentors and experience.  Align your interests, organizations, and elective classes to match the field or industry you’re going into. Not only is it a good way to get involved on campus but this way, you’ll start gaining experience early on. This can help give you transferable experience that will set you apart when it’s your turn to start applying for jobs.

2. Say goodbye to comfort zones.

College is not only a new era of personal growth, but a time of learning inside and outside the classroom. With this being said, it’s crucial you step outside of your comfort zone in almost all aspects of your life so you can allow these changes and growth stages. Say “Hey” to that girl in your class, meet with your professors, raise your hand in lecture hall, the list is endless. There has been several times throughout my college career when I really didn’t want to do something because I was afraid. However, almost each time I did, they created a huge chain reaction of positive events or growth. Even though that’s not always how it works, the main point here is you can’t expect to receive things if you don’t ask. You can’t expect to grow or learn if you don’t try but then fail. Lastly, you can’t achieve your goals if you don’t go out and make things happen. Remember this advice when looking back in life, the things we regret most are the things we didn’t do.  For most of us that involves leaving our comfort zones behind, or at least a few of them.  

So now you know tips I wish I had even just a year ago. Use the time you have right now, step outside of your comfort zone right now and go out and make things happen for yourself. In a few short years, you’ll be forced to. When I say forced, I basically mean shoved off a cliff obliging you into the adult world ready or not.


Senior at the University of West Georgia Public Relations Lover of Coffee, Fashion & Beauty
I am a senior at the University of West Georgia, currently studying Mass communications/Public Relations. I am a lover of life, family, friends and doing things that bring happiness to others. I truly believe the world is full of positivity if we are open to wholeheartedly accept it. I am passionate about the inclusion of others, seeing the beauty in all people and things, and creating lasting relationships with people. Ever since I can remember, I’ve enjoyed creating things and expressing my creativity through design and artistic expression. I am an avid stationery addict, DIY junkie, and lover all things beauty, fashion and lifestyle.