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How to Create an Inspiring AF Vision Board for the New Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWG chapter.

As we fly through this first month the new year, it brings to question what are your goals for 2019? The best part of being able to start a new year is being able to have 365 more opportunities to succeed, dream and experience everything life has to offer. Vision boards are not just visual projections of your aspirations or dreams. Vision boards can also represent, reminders, memories or priorities that you may want to meet this year and plan to achieve each day, weeks from now or even years down the road. Here are some steps to take to create an inspiring vision board.

1. Write your visions down.

Photo by energepic.com from Pexels

You want your vision board to represent your past, present and future. By this, I mean, look at the places you have traveled, the friends you spend time with and the places you want to go next in 2019. You can put travel destinations, career aspirations, fitness goals, college goals or even inspiring quotes. There are no limits to your vision board or your dreams.

2. Print everything out.

Photo by lexie janney on Unsplash

Now that you have an idea of what your vision board will be based on, create a folder on your computer and save all your pictures there. The most inspiring part of making a vision board is taking things that inspire you and adding it to the board. You can use family photos, magazine articles, and quotes from books (that you are willing to rip out).

3. Arrange them.

Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels

Once you have everything printed out and separate them into categories. As I created my vision board, I arranged the caterogies from bottom to top. Car goals on the bottom, my future lifestyle, travel destinations, inspiring quotes and lastly, my career goals on the very top. You can arrange it any way you deem fit. Just make sure the pictures coordinate or else it will look cluttered. You can create borders, use safety pins, clip hangers or even tape to place all your pictures together.

4. Find your theme for the year and hang it up.

Photo by rawpixel.com from Pexels

Entering 2019, I knew I wanted this year to be focused more on myself and figuring out what makes me happy. I stumbled across a word that I felt represented this year and my goals perfectly: purpose. My vision board for 2019 represents purpose in every aspect. When you finalize your board, find an inspirational theme that ties it all together. Place your vision board somewhere you will see every single day. You want your board to be a constant reminder of your past, present and future. Let this board be a reminder that you have 365 chances in 2019 to accomplish anything you set your mind to.

Sophomore '21 Mass Communications (Journalism) Writer, Barista, Marvel Fanatic, Movie Enthusiast, Guitarist, Youtuber