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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWG chapter.


I am so grateful for where I am right now in life. I have a family, a solid college group, and am almost finished with my undergrad. Now, why am I grateful.

It’s not because of those blessings listed above. It is due to my everlasting Father and his will that I am grateful. Those are all amazing things and things to be thankful for, but they are nothing compared to an eternity with Jesus. Eternity is where our lives on earth end and the heavenly realms continue. 

God is not just some abstract concept or a creation he is the ultimate Creator and created you and me to glorify himself. Genesis 1 states that he spoke the Earth into being. Did you catch that, he spoke! He didn’t write, paint, or glue the earth together, but he spoke. How powerful is that?! It literally gives me chills that our creator speaks and something happens. 

So, even though we have midterms looming over us (and projects piling up) so much it forces us to shut down a little — do not shut down. God has a bigger purpose for your life and this struggle is just a small hill to get you to praise and trust him more within life’s bigger storms. He is so trustworthy! 

This all coming from me. A girl who LITERALLY 12 hours ago panicked and broke down crying because of the amount of work I am expected to complete by October 31st. Do NOT fear or panic, because the Lord knows what you will face. We may be walking blindly, but we have the most amazing father who is not walking blindly. He knows what will happen tomorrow and next year (and the year after that…etc..). Isaiah 41:10 states, “fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” 

Do not fear. That is why I am ending the day with a grateful heart.

I am a senior at the University of West Georgia studying Mass Communications concentrating on Digital Media and Telecommunications. My minor is in English literature. I hope to become a content creator once I graduate this December!