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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWG chapter.


Every year when someone asks me what my favorite season is I always say Fall, and sometimes Winter but mostly Fall. Fall is the season where it starts to get a little colder outside and all the fall time festivities begin. Below I wanted to share what I look forward to the most when the Fall season comes around. 


Fall Fashion

Every year I can not wait for Fall to roll around because I get to bring out all my Fall accessories. Items like scarves, boots, cardigans, and mittens are what I live for. In the summer you really can not accessorize as much because the more you put on the hotter you will get, but in the Fall you are able to layer up and look as cozy and cute as you can. 


Every year I get really excited waiting for Starbucks to come out with their seasonal drinks, but not just Starbucks other restaurants as well: IHop with their seasonal pancakes and Chick-Fil-A with my personal favorite, peppermint milkshakes. 


Speaking of food, going home for Thanksgiving is something that I look forward to the most! I love to arrange the menu for Thanksgiving dinner and help prepare all the food. It’s a good family bonding time and you get to eat some great food. 

Festive Activities

Pumpkin patch visits, ice skating, seasonal plays are just some of the activities that you can do in the Fall and they are so much fun. You can’t do most of this year-round so you have to enjoy them while you can.


Everyone seems to be a little bit jollier around this time of year and that is what I like to see. Some may argue that you should be happy all year round but with life, school and work you can sometimes get caught in all the stress and pressure so when Fall and the holidays come around some like to use this as a motivational push to settle back and have some fun. 

I hope you all have a great holiday! 

Hello! My name is Samara Marshall and I am currently studying Mass Communications at the University of West Georgia.
I am a senior at the University of West Georgia studying Mass Communications concentrating on Digital Media and Telecommunications. My minor is in English literature. I hope to become a content creator once I graduate this December!