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An Honest Review of the ArgoPulse Update

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWF chapter.

ArgoPulse is supposed to have all the information about events and organizations on campus, but it’s rarely accurate. However, things might turn for the better in the Fall 2018 semester since UWF’s Campus and Community Involvement updated ArgoPulse. Keaton West, the Assistant Director of the Campus and Community Involvement, gave us a breakdown of the update.

Her Campus UWF: What features will Presence offer students? Will students be able to access accurate and current information on all on campus events, organizations and their schedules, trolley routes, information on UWF’s resources, etc?


Keaton West: “Presence is the new software system that is replacing OrgSync but will still be called ArgoPulse. It will be similar to the previous ArgoPulse system. This will be the hub for student organization information.”


The ArgoPulse app doesn’t seem to be updated in the sense of adding new features, but maybe we will see new features added throughout the year. The visual aspects of the ArgoPulse app seem to have gotten a face lift.  


HC UWF: How will this app be better than the old ArgoPulse?


KW: “Presence allows us to track data on the back end of the system to see trends in student involvement on campus, so we hope this system will help us identify students that are not involved and find ways to reach out to them to encourage them to get involved.”


This track data feature will be beneficial for commuters. UWF is populated by primarily commuters, and commuters are usually less aware of campus activities because they spend less time on campus than residents do. This track data feature will hopefully solve this issue.   


HC UWF: How will this update impact students’ day-to-day?


KW: “It will help students have access to involvement opportunities and organizations’ Information.”


In the past, ArgoPulse didn’t have the dates for Homecoming, Beach Bash, Argopalooza, etc. This past week the updated ArgoPulse didn’t have this information either which is disappointing. However, keep in mind that the update just launched, so the Campus and Community Involvement is still trying to figure everything out.  


HC UWF: Who will be funding this app?


KW: “This system is being funded by A&S Fees.”


For those who don’t know, Activity & Service Fees (A&S Fees) are a per-credit fee that all students pay. UWF’s students paid for the ArgoPulse update, so if you are not satisfied with the results, say something.


Overall, I think the ArgoPulse update looks better than the original version. I’m happy that Campus and Community Involvement has taken the initiative to do something about ArgoPulse, but I think it still needs improvement. I’m excited to see what new features will be added to the app later on.

Gina Castro is a junior at the University of West Florida where she is double majoring in English Literature and Journalism. She is currently the Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus UWF and an editorial intern for Ballinger Publishing. Since her sophomore year, she has been an active member of her university's Her Campus chapter. When she's not researching new stories to write articles about, she is watching knitting tutorials or obsessing over Toni Morrison.