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6 Ways to Stay Productive at the End of the Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWF chapter.

Trying to stay productive towards the end of the semester can be a nightmare. Between starting that big project you’ve been putting off (because it’s due in November… oh wait), studying for the last test of the semester and preparing for finals; it is so easy to lose motivation. This is something that we all deal with, everyone from seniors to freshman, so I have decided to include some of my favorite tips for staying productive during these last few weeks.

1. Take a break from social media.

With everything going on in the world today, one of the easiest ways to refresh your brain is to get away from social media. Social media can be a serious culprit in adding unneeded negativity to your life. Do yourself a favor and logout of Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat for an hour. You may not realize just how much time you waste by mindlessly scrolling through your news feed for the millionth time.

2. Buy a planner.

This one is straight forward. I am the type of person who hates to plan my life out. However, if I don’t use my planner I become a jumbled mess of “where am I supposed to be right now.” Planners are great for keeping up with due dates, prioritizing your workload,  and making time for those that matter most. You don’t necessarily have to write EVERYTHING in it, just the important stuff. It’s also a great way to visualize and prioritize!

3. Take time for yourself.

Make sure you are giving yourself what you need. Stress takes a serious toll on your body and mind. To perform at your peak, you must be rested and relaxed. Give yourself a pedicure, take a hot bath or try a new facial mask. Don’t demand too much from your body and brain. Some of my favorite methods include meditating and cleaning my room. When my mind and/or room is cluttered, I find it extremely difficult to stay on task. Taking a break and focusing on you increases productivity immensely.

4. Stop procrastinating.

I know this is a lot easier said than done, but you will thank yourself later. Start your assignments early. It is easier to work on things little by little rather than rushing to get them done the night before. This also gives you the opportunity to ask questions when you come across something you don’t understand, and cuts your stress level tremendously.

5. Read or listen to a motivational book or podcast.

One of my favorite things to do when I’m stressed or overwhelmed is listen to a motivational speaker on YouTube. I also really enjoy reading personal development books, which offer different methods of staying organized and productive.

6. Workout.

Studies have shown that exercise increases your brain power. If you’re not a gym goer, try taking a walk around campus or your neighborhood. This will get your blood moving, which increases blood flow to the brain, which then allows you to think more clearly. Giving yourself that mental break for a bit will drastically increase your productivity. It also provides great benefits in the long run, both mentally and physically. Cover image via Spirituality & Health 

I am an Exercise Science Major at the University of West Florida. I am also the Events Director for Her Campus UWF. I enjoy being outdoors, going to the beach, and doing anything that doesn't involve Biology Homework. I am very passionate about empowering women and want to do whatever I can to make women feel the best about themselves. My goal in life is to be an example to others by shining my own light in an otherwise dark world.