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18 Low-key Ways to Stay Healthy During College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWF chapter.

1. Park far away from classes and walk to class.

2Invest in a bike cycle to school if it’s within a reasonable distance.

3. Attend at least one new free on-campus class each week.

4. Switch out your desk chair for a bosu ball to engage your core.

5. Do your class reading while streching and doing yoga.

6. Go through flashcards while doing wall-sits.

7. Make time each week to go for a very long walk with a friend.


8. Opt to be designated driver and dance your heart out on a night out. 

9. Instead of trying to carry all the grocery or school bags at once, make a couple of trips and run those stairs.

10. Challenge yourself to trying a week without bread, dairy or just go vegan!

11. Switch diet sodas and drinks for natural drinks like teas or flavored waters.


12. Use milk alternatives like soy of almond milk.

13. Subscribe and actually do a “30-day ab/squat/plank challenge.”

14. Cook instead of eating out.

15. Limit sugars to weekends and leave them out of the coffee.

16. Keep healthy eating simple and don’t overcomplicate it. Carbs, fat, and protein. Eat some veggies and fruit every day.

17. Buy multivitamins!

18. De-stress your life because stress is the killer guys and gals.
