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Why Everyone Needs to Care About the Environment

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

Why should I care about the environment? As a person who cares a lot for the environment, this is a relatively easy question to answer. I care about the environment because we are destroying it and that needs to stop. I care about the environment because we need it. I care about the environment because we are not the only ones on this planet, and if we destroy the environment, we destroy everything. For people who are less passionate about this topic, it can be a hard question to answer. They might know that we need the environment, but they might not know why we need it. 

The Earth does so many thing for us. Everything is connected and there are so many issues that the planet is facing. Overfishing, pollution, deforestation, and global warming are just a few of the problems that need to be dealt with. Every system on Earth is connected, and we need to respect those connections. We take one part away and the whole system goes down. 

Let’s look at trees. Trees do so much for us, and for the environment. There are different types of ecosystems that rely on trees, and each system supports a wide range of plants and animals, which is called biodiversity. Forests also store CO2 and renew oxygen levels, which we need to breathe. Trees act as natural sponges: they catch excess water from the ground, and that water drips down into aquafers, which we use. Trees and forests also prevent soil from eroding too quickly, which protects us from heavy flooding. Unsustainable deforestation is a huge issue. When a forest is cut down and all of its resources stripped away, that land doesn’t turn back into a forest- it turns into a desert. 

Being environmentally conscious is something that everyone can do. Little things, like turning off the lights when you leave a room, add up. I made a few changes in my lifestyle recently. Earlier this year, I purchased a reusable k-cup. The reusable k-cup has helped me keep so many plastic k-cups out of landfills. One of my roommates have started using my k-cup too, and it has also saved us money. I have also been bringing reusable tote bags with me when I go grocery shopping, which has drastically cut down on the number of plastic bags I have at home. 

If every single person did one little thing each day, made one choice slightly different, it would make a huge difference. We have a responsibility to take care of the environment. We haven’t been, and we’re already starting to pay the consequences. So ask yourself this: why should I care about the environment? 

Katherine Vogel

UW Stout '21

A native Minnesotan, Katie is a junior at UW-Stout. She is majoring in Interior Design and minoring in Sustainability. She plays the French Horn in the UW-Stout band. When she is back home, Katie loves traveling around Minnesota, spending time with her family, practicing archery and pistol shooting, trap shooting, and going horseback riding.
Her Campus at UW-Stout