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Who Run the World: Impacts of the Women’s Marches

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

It’s hard to figure out how to process the women’s marches that took place around the country, and even the world, the day following Trump’s inauguration. So many people, marching for so many different causes. One thing that cannot be disputed: these women made their voices heard. Maybe responsive action hasn’t been immediate, but change almost never is. People made their voices heard, and I hope that’s something that will matter weeks and months after these marches. One of the coolest things about the marches to me was the variety of different causes people came out to support. They were referred to as women’s marches, but overall, they just wanted decent human rights. Their voices are important, and here’s what some of them had to say.

If you ever lose hope, I want you to try to remember the strength of the people who came together and marched. Whether or not you were one of them, if their cause is your cause, you are not alone. Let’s never forget to keep standing up for human decency and equality.


Her Campus at UW-Stout