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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

Since college feels oddly similar to losing your mom in the grocery store for four years, it’s strange that no one seems that relieved when it’s finally over. Hopefully you retained some book smarts amongst the chaos, but there are most likely a few things that college has taught you that weren’t included in the course syllabus.

1. You can be anything you want to be

Fun fact: no one leaves college as the same person they came in as, how beautiful is that?

2. Girlfriends are key to survival

Nothing and no one can ever replace your mom, but the right group of girls will sure make college feel more like home

3. Boys are not the end of the world

Your prince is out there, but ladies, there are lots of frogs

4. No matter how many times you say you won’t, you will end up going out this Saturday

You know you’ll be there

5. Sundays are for not doing anything you said you were going to do

That homework you saved for Sunday? Yeah, that’s a no

6. Going to the gym is really, really hard

It’s likely the first time in your life that you’ve been 100% responsible for getting yourself active- conveniently at the same time that your metabolism decided to stop working

7. It’s a balancing act and sometimes you have to choose between school and a social life

And sleep and boys and working out and eating and staying sane

8. People don’t care nearly as much as you think they do

The most freeing feeling in the world is the moment you realize this and start living for yourself

9. Be kind to everyone, but be wise in selecting your friends

You will become like those you surround yourself with, choose friends who make you a better person

10. Don’t hang on too tight when it’s time to leave, but don’t be too quick to wish it away

Realize that you’re in the good old days while you’re still in them, but recognize that great days are yet to come

Her Campus at UW-Stout