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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

As we get closer to graduation, many seniors get to experience the joy of not having classes on Fridays. For those lucky enough, this is a day free of the usual responsibilities. That begs the question, “What am I supposed to do with my day?” Here are our suggestions!

Get Your Sleep In, But Don’t Go Overboard

A four day class schedule packs in a lot of work, work that takes a lot out of you. Give yourself some time to sleep in and recover from the week. It’s important to find a balance though; don’t sleep the day away.

Make A Nice Big Breakfast

If you want to accomplish a lot for the day, start off on the right foot with a big breakfast! During the top of the week you’re crushing coffee and granola bars on the walk to class, but today it’s a feast for a Queen <3

Clean Up Your Space

Late night hours and study sessions don’t gve you a lot of time to keep things tidy throughout the week. Reserve some time in the morning or afternoon on your free days to clean up. You’ll be thanking yourself when you come back from study group on Monday nights with no energy and little patience.

Get Started on Homework

The beauty of having days off is that your weekend is 50% longer! You have time to stretch out assignments and save the hassle of trying to submit at 11:59 on Sunday nights. Read through the syllabus, get your outline started, and name the file appropriately. A little bit now goes a long way!

Get Your Shopping Done

Most grown ups are working, and everyone else is in class, so you can get your grocery shopping done in record timing! 

Start Celebrating Early

Is there ever going to be a time in your life where you are this free? If you get a head start on your weekend responsibilities, that gives you so much time to cut back and relax! These are your glory days!

Having a consistent extra day off is a blessing. Knowing how to spend that time productively is a gift to yourself! 

Stephanie Zengler is a Business Administration major and Communication Studies minor, and she completely understands if you think her last name is actually Ziegler. Like a lot of business majors, Stephanie has a favorite Andrew Carnegie quote, and like a good communication minor, has very strong opinions on the Oxford comma. Aside from being a Stout student, Stephanie is an avid fan of Bay Area sports, Fleetwood Mac, and the amazingly perfect show Dollface.