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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

College is great. For some, it is the best years of their lives and it can be difficult for graduating students to accept the fact that their life is about to change. The comfort bubble that college provides where we can wear pajamas to class to hang out with our friends every day of the week is not always going to be there. Everyone told us before we even went to college that we were going to need to start acting like adults now, but that is not necessarily true. Yes, we have to be responsible for ourselves, but is college really considered the “real world?” Here is how you can prepare yourself to leave college: 

1. Get Ready to Be Paying More Bills

Many of us have had to pay our rent, credit card bill, and possibly even started to make payments on our student loan while in college. However, once we leave college, there is a bleak future of endless bills that might include groceries, electric, water, rent, insurance, and gas. Students that have lived off campus may be a little more prepared for this. 

2. Everyone is Always Busy

One of the best parts about college is how much time we can spend with friends, maybe even too much time. When everyone starts working their nine-to-five job, there is going to be a lot less time spent drinking wine and talking about boys, unfortunately. 

3. You and Your Friends Are Going to Hit Important Milestones 

It might seem odd thinking about your life progressing past eating ramen out of a plastic bowl. But believe it or not, you are on the track to achieving some huge milestones and so are your friends. Before you know it, you will undoubtedly start to see friends getting engaged and having babies. 

4. You Are Going to Have to Start Saving More

You may have saved money before you went to college and during summers, but get ready for a whole new world of expensive plans. You probably know that weddings are costly, trips are always looming price tags, and your parents may be less willing to lend some money now that you are out of college. Plus, now that you are graduated, you will have to really start paying those student loans. 

5. You Won’t Have Any Homework

Finally, a plus! Gone are the days of looming assignments and pulling all-nighters to finish a paper or project. Maybe now when you go home, you can actually relax! 

There are pros and cons to every milestone that you will have in your life. Even though leaving college may seem quite negative, you will come to enjoy your new lifestyle in time. 

Katie is a student at UW-Stout majoring in Professional Communications and Emerging Media. Her hobbies including cuddling with her Golden Retriever, Dante, watching Netflix in her bathrobe, and of course, writing! 
Her Campus at UW-Stout