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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

It seems to be a great subject of curiousity of what business majors do in class, and what they study exactly. As a business major myself who sporadically scribbles intricate note cards about how Cost of Goods Sold affects Straight Line Depreciation, and then captions a picture with a line from American Psycho; I thought I’d give a glimpse into our world…


You’ve come to dominate. And domination comes from organization. We’re talking highlighters, multiple pens, sticky notes, a travel label maker, white out, and a coffee card at the ready. 

A Prime Study Space

We may have the best buildings on campus, but sometimes finding the perfect spot requires a little due dilligence. Ideally you’d like to find somewhere that Gordon Geckko or Jack Donaghy would thrive. Somewhere with some natural light, but not too much to be distracting. Close enough to printers, power outlets, and an ambiance of power. 

Notecards, Notecards, Notecards

You’d be suprised how many acronyms you can come up with to get your entire unit on a 5×7 card. You need to make room for all those COGS equations!

Visual Aids

Numbers are everything, but sometimes they’re flat-out boring. Spice things up with pie charts, graphics, and color coordination. Make it sell!

Networking Break

When was the last time you updated your LinkedIn? Checked in with references? Sent out resumes? Capitalize on this strategic thinking by taking a few moments to secure your future. 

Looking to Your Inspiration

Andrew Carnegie said, “Every act you have ever performed since the day you were born was performed because you wanted something”. We all have that person we look up to; whether that be a fictional mogul, a cinderella success story in real life, or the larger-than-life Carnegie. Use the words of whoever inspires you to handle dividends, the rates for tax withholdings, or analyzing the target market to get you through this studying stress. 

It’s not all glamorous right now, but today’s struggle is paving the way for future success. Make Carnegie proud!

Stephanie Zengler is a Business Administration major and Communication Studies minor, and she completely understands if you think her last name is actually Ziegler. Like a lot of business majors, Stephanie has a favorite Andrew Carnegie quote, and like a good communication minor, has very strong opinions on the Oxford comma. Aside from being a Stout student, Stephanie is an avid fan of Bay Area sports, Fleetwood Mac, and the amazingly perfect show Dollface.