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Finals Week As Told By Spongebob Squarepants

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea and is completely applicable to finals week? Spongebob Squarepants of course. Take a quick study break and see exactly why all of the stress of finals week is desperately understood by the Spongebob cast!


1. When your study buddy explains something better than the professor and you finally understand:



2. When you have a bunch of finals all in one day:



3. When your professor is going through what’s on the exam and you’re really overwhelmed:



4. Bringing your final paper into class like:



5. Your brain after studying for hours with no break:



6. When you stay up all night working on your final art project and bring it into critique:



7. When all your friends went out but you have to stay in to study:



8. Showing up to a final at 8AM like:



9. When you pull out your list of things to do for the week:



10. Lecture the whole semester vs. finals week:



11. When your professor didn’t give a study guide:



12. When it’s three AM and you’re starting to doze off:



13. When a class you don’t even need for your major tanks your GPA:




14. Once you finish your last final:




15. Finally, you realize it’s summer:



Happy pre-finals week everyone! Just remain calm and do your best, because that’s all you can do! Summer is right around the corner, and whether that entails work or an internship, it’s a break from homework, so enjoy!


Kelly is a sophomore at The University of Wisconsin - Stout studying Cross Media Graphics Management, and planning on minoring in Marketing. She is a tattoo and piercing enthusiast who loves sports, binge watching netflix, and staying fit. 
Her Campus at UW-Stout