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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

Cardi B was fired up yesterday evening on her Instagram. She has always been known to be very straightforward and open about her life and the fight with Nicki Minaj that happened at New York Fashion Week on September 14th. She put a bunch of videos on her Instagram all relating to recent events that have transpired between her and Nicki Minaj. There are actually ten videos in total and they all consist of Cardi shooting out “the facts.” 

Some of the things discussed in her rant about Nicki included Cardi’s daughter, Kulture, and how Nicki seems to hint that Cardi is a bad mom. If anyone knows anything about Cardi, they know that she loves that baby to death and anyone who goes against that, gets to hear it from Cardi.

There was also the issues of Cardi’s phone number being leaked her receiving thousands of threats against her and her family. My question is what kind of maniacs live in this world that so many people hate a celebrity so much to send messages about killing her baby? Cardi has her suspicions that Nicki has something to do with the phone number leaking and that is part of her beef with her. Cardi said that her number was leaked an hour after her and Nicki’s fight. 

A lot of Cardi’s rant was about issues relating to the fight that happened at fashion week and how Nicki played the blame card but then later came out and tried to act tough about it. 

To hear the whole shabang, watch this video that shows Cardi B in her Instagram videos and also gives a little more context as to what happened: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSNsQr06G6s




Katie is a student at UW-Stout majoring in Professional Communications and Emerging Media. Her hobbies including cuddling with her Golden Retriever, Dante, watching Netflix in her bathrobe, and of course, writing! 
Her Campus at UW-Stout