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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

Recovering after a breakup can be incredibly difficult sometimes. You invest a lot of time and effort into this one person and, when things end up not working out, it can be heartbreaking. Here’s some advice on getting through that heartbreak.

Take some time for yourself before dating again 

Taking about 6 months to a year is the best amount of time to fully recover. This may seem like a long time, but it gives you plenty of time to focus on yourself and becoming happy without your “special” person. 

Unfollow them on social media

This may be hard to do if you said you would still stay “friends” because most times, it is really hard to just be friends. Unfollowing them, not texting them, and creating space between you both are key components to letting your heart heal. It helps when you don’t see who your ex is spending time with.

Have a lot of self-love days

These are important, especially when the breakup first occurs. It gives you time to cry, watch sad, cheesy movies, eat tons of junk food, and wallow in self-pity. It is perfectly acceptable to have these days! Too many of these days may become more of a problem though, so be careful.

Keep yourself distracted

Keeping yourself busy with other things won’t let you dwell on the person you just lost. Focus on things that make you happy and whole, instead of letting this one person consume every ounce of happiness you once had. You can also try something new, like learning to play an instrument or joining a new club. Breakups are hard to get through, especially if you keep thinking about them.

Get rid of the things your ex gave you

Seeing these constant reminders may also make it super hard to get over them. It will be hard to let go, but sometimes it is necessary. If you really love something they gave you, keep it, but put it away for a while until you can be happy with the reality of the breakup. 

Be cautious on getting back together

Sometimes, things may work themselves out and they want you back or you want them back. But be careful with this, because you might just be missing the feelings you got from them, not the actual person or relationship. 

Find a new friend group

If you both share common friends, you may want to find another group to hang out with. It’s not that you don’t care about your friends, but seeing your ex may be very difficult so often.  Finding others you can talk to about it, without it getting back to your ex, may also help you heal. 

Realize you will fall in love again

Just because this relationship didn’t work out, doesn’t mean they all won’t. You will find the right person for you and have a great life together doing the things you love.  Don’t worry, because you have forever to find your soulmate. 

Erika is a Professional Communications and Emerging Media student at the University of Wisconsin - Stout.  She hopes to find a career in journalism after graduation to continue her love for writing. She loves fashion, dancing, and sleeping.
Her Campus at UW-Stout