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5 Ways Feminism is Beneficial for Everyone

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

With an uproar of feminist values and ideas spreading across the world these past two years across social media sites such as Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter amongst others, the main argument against it goes along the lines of: “It’s only for women, why should I support it?” Yes, feminism is primarily the fight for equality between all men and women and providing women with the same rights as men, however it does in fact benefit men as well. That being said, here are five ways feminism benefits everyone!

1) Feminism defeats toxic masculinity.

Ever since we were little, it was common to hear kids on the playground or fathers telling their sons that “Boys don’t cry!” or that it is wrong for little boys to want to play with dolls among other activities. For little girls, it was always the tomboy or the girl who wanted to play football that was put down and told to be “more ladylike.” What feminism does is end the idea that masculinity in women and femininity in men is bad and wrong and, in turn, provides safety and security among all genders to self express and live comfortably in their own skin and lifestyles. This is very important for those who identify as trans+, gender-fluid, etc. as it allows for a safe and comfortable transition/expression of self in public spaces.

2) Feminism fights against sexual assault for all genders.

A lot of people are probably thinking, “Well, duh! Sexual assault and rape is bad!” and yes, you are absolutely correct! However, sexual assault and rape happens to men as well as it does women and the reason why you don’t hear about it happening to men as often is because male-dominated societies have thrown the stigma on men that they are hyper-sexual beings who will seek sex and enjoy it no matter what, therefore making them unable to be raped or assaulted. That being said, a man is very likely to be challenged and ridiculed by other men (and sometimes women) for coming forward about being raped or assaulted and will not be taken seriously – similar to women who are told that “they were asking for it” or are asked the all to common question “Well, what was she wearing?”

Going hand in hand with defeating toxic masculinity, feminism fights for people to be taught not to rape or assault and defeats the idea that it is the victim’s fault. In turn, this allows for both men and women to safely report sexual assault without the fear of being dismissed or invalidated. 

3) Feminism defeats the idea of any gender having power over another.

Men are very quick to dismiss feminist opinions and values in fear of having their rights taken away or being over run by women (ahem, toxic masculinity in it’s working form). Feminism is in no way a battle to create a matriarchy over a patriarchy; in fact, feminism is trying to eliminate the idea of any one gender having more power over the other! What this does is allow all genders to have mutual and equal rights and allows for everyone’s voices and ideas to be heard without dismissing or invalidating someone because of their gender, sexuality, race, etc. Everyone’s happy, everyone’s heard, and no gender overpowers another! 

4) Feminism promotes body positivity.

In a media based society, unrealistic physical, personality, and lifestyle standards are spat out by celebrities and other media in which the people of that society are brainwashed to follow. Today, it is imposed on society that women should have an unrealistic hour glass figure and be extremely sexualized and men are to be rich and have a “Ken” doll figure about them, and both are to be white and elite. Feminism argues that all body types are beautiful and to be accepted and loved, promoting self-confidence and self-worth for all genders.  

5) Feminism diminishes gender roles.

Feminism argues that women don’t always have to be the one that stay home and take care of the kids and that men aren’t always to be the ones fighting for our country or bringin’ home the bacon. No specific gender is required to follow certain roles that society has implemented for each gender and feminism fights for that. This also kills the stigma that intimate relationships between two men or two women require both a male and female assigned gender role to each individual. The gender roles one chooses to follow does not have to correlate with the gender you identify with.



Her Campus at UW-Stout