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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Lax chapter.

For all of the single ladies out there, February can be a little disheartening. As strong and independent as we are, roses and chocolates do sound kind of good.

But Valentine’s day doesn’t have to be a bummer. Even if you don’t have a significant other, you have you–and that’s worth celebrating! Valentine’s day is a day about love, and a great reminder to work on self-care.

Whether you’re in a relationship or not, take this opportunity to identify all of the things you love about yourself. Get out a sheet of paper and start a list! You can write anything you want, but here’s some prompts to get you started:

Something physically beautiful about me is…

I am great at…

I am proud of myself for…

I am resilient because…

Something I always get complimented on is…

I make an awesome friend because…

Keep your list and look at it every so often. Remember that your strength and beauty is never defined by anyone else’s ability to see it, except yours! And then…go buy yourself some discounted Valentine’s day candy.





Anne is a junior at UW-La Crosse studying Broadcast and Digital Media Communication and Graphic Design. When she isn't busy studying or writing for Her Campus, Anne loves music, photography, drawing, and painting. Also, naps.