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Evidence You Grew Up in a Sarcastic Family

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Lax chapter.

Evidence you grew up in a sarcastic family:

1.  You have priceless family mottos.  My dad’s favorite is, “There’s no cure for stupid.”

2.  You make sarcastic remarks constantly and people just stare at you.

3.  Tough love doesn’t seem so tough.

4.  As children, your father gives you and your sister nicknames such as “Advil” and “Motrin.”

5.  Other nicknames include, “Flake-flake” which you realize isn’t a compliment when you get older…………

6.  Making fun of each other constantly in your family, and then visiting friends and their families and realizing how weird it is eating dinner without hurling insulting comments.

7.  Holding off from saying snarky comments in a seemingly “professional” environment.

8.  Hearing something nice and sweet makes you feel like you may get a cavity.

9.  Playing practical jokes on your sister that most people would cry over, including but not limited to: Scaring someone, telling them someone died, allowing them to walk       blindfolded into a lake, tricking them into wearing something ridiculous, etc.

10.  You have to say “Just kidding!” multiple times a week to people who haven’t been exposed to you very long.