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Apartment Life Ain’t Always Sugar & Spice

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Lax chapter.

No more rules, dorm bunks, or awful dining hall food. Sound pretty great to me! Minus these things that come along with the yearned for apartment life.

Having $0 all the time. Every month is paying rent and wondering how much money does one need to survive. Can I live off $10 worth of groceries this month? Going to have to…

Hearing every conversation from the people in the apartment next to you. No Bethany I really don’t want to hear about how you got wasted last weekend and made out with multiple boys 10 times because you must tell (in a very loud voice) to every person you know.  

Also, smelling your next-door neighbors. It is a Monday night. Do you really need to toke up on a Monday night????

Chores. Is it really my turn to clean the toilet again?

Actually having to cook. Don’t get me wrong, dining hall food sucks and it’s great to be able to make your own food, at least for a week or so but I can’t even look at another bowl of mac and cheese for a solid 5 years.

All jokes aside, apartment life isn’t that terrible. Just find yourself some kick ass roomies and I promise you will be able to get through the struggles of living the apartment life.