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5 Things I Have Found I Need When I’m Sick at School

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Lax chapter.

As we all know cold weather and snow brings the sniffles. Many of us are used to being pampered at home by our mothers when we feel down right sick, and now that we’re “growing up” we must learn to take care of ourselves. I used to never get sick but ever since attending college I’ve had to learn how to overcome the sniffles and coughs! There are 5 essential things that I have found that I need when I’m sick at school.



1. Water

Although many of us are becoming accustomed to college life, which consists of drinking coffee, booze, and more coffee…water does still exist! It may not taste as good as that pumpkin spice latte or that whiskey and coke, but I promise you it will work wonders! If you want to mix an orange juice in there every once and awhile, I’m sure the extra dose of Vitamin C wouldn’t hurt, just try to be light on the vodka.

2. Rest

Don’t get me wrong, it really sucks to not be able to go out and have fun on the weekends with your friends, but in the long run you’ll be happy you stayed in. I’m sure we can all think of fun things to do while we stay home and rest in bed right? Which brings me to my next necessity.

3. Netflix

Whether it’s laughing at New Girl or getting into Breaking Bad, Netflix will be there for you. Don’t have Netflix? See if you can borrow the log-in information from a friend or stock up on some DVDs! Netflix will be your best friend when you’re sick at school. For some, Netflix is our best friend even when were not sick.  It always helps pass the time and take your mind off the fact that you’re not doing anything else with your life at the moment. Crawling into bed and delving into Scandal is what saves me most times when I can’t do much else.

4. Best Friends

A mom away from home is what your best friend is when you’re sick at school. Whether you’re lucky and have a best friend who is just willing to do whatever you need or if you have to bribe them a little bit by promising to buy them drinks downtown next weekend, you can’t always do everything yourself when you’re sick. Anywhere from staying in with me and watching Netflix, to coming home after going out and making me laugh, is what I need from them when I’m sick. I know that if I’m not feeling well, they won’t leave me out to dry!

5. Good Kleenex

Last but definitely not least is having good Kleenex! Preferably I like to invest in some Puffs plus with Vicks. Don’t like the smell of Vicks, throw some puffs plus with lotion in your cart! Having a red, dry, and flaky nose is not what most people want on top of being sick. Keep those nasal passages nice and soft with some good Kleenex! 

Megan is a sophomore at Bryn Mawr College studying Growth and Structure of Cities. She comes from Portland, Oregon and is still attempting to adjust to the freezing winters of Bryn Mawr. Her favorite food blogger is Smitten Kitchen and her favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe can be found at http://slowlikehoney.net/2008/06/23/out-with-the-old/ (she bemoans the lack of accessible baking facilities at Bryn Mawr). She's still searching for a good independent bookstore in Philadelphia and welcomes suggestions.