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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

Every year around Valentine’s Day, gooey, cheesy, horribly-wonderful romantic movies are released in theaters or revived by Netflix. However, we at HerCampus UVM understand that sometimes it’s more of a Galentine’s Day event, and you just want to have some fun with the girls, or you’re with a significant other and just aren’t into those heart-wrenching movie types. Perhaps that means putting the romantic movies aside and settling in for some bone-chilling, sleeping-with-the-lights-on horror movies. Netflix fortunately, provides for all who enter.

So, for those who are looking for less of a lovey-dovey movie night, whether that means huddling up to each other and not letting the Babadook get you, or if it means snuggling up to your boy/girlfriend and hoping they protect you from the dark, here are some great options:

1.     Odd Thomas, while not being actually that scary, has an interesting story line and cool characters that draw you in. All in all, it’s a fun movie to watch with amusing characters and funny moments as well as some jumpy ones.

2.     Hereeee’s Johnny…A classic scary movie often said to be one of the best, The Shining is based on a book by Stephen King (as if that doesn’t give you enough reason to watch it). A must see if you haven’t seen it before, it’s not too creepy, but has its moments.


3.     While I myself didn’t watch it, The Lazarus Effect, looked knock-your-socks-off creepy. Something about reanimation and the all black eyes gets me every time I watch the trailer and I chicken out.

4.     Babadook…Dook…Dook… The Babadook was an awesome movie with scary parts and creepy parts and everything in between. The main characters are a mother and child, and there’s something about children seeing things that adults can’t that drives me outta my skin scared. The only thing I’ll say is that if a kid says some creepy stuff to me, you bet I’m out of there like a bat out of hell.

5.     If elevators creep you out now, don’t watch Devil. A movie that keeps you guessing, Devil is a rollercoaster of thrills and chills. Five go in, one comes out. However there are some breaks in action, so you can stick your feet out of the blanket to breathe between scenes of hiding under it.

If none of these peaked your interest, there are tons more options on Netflix to choose from. If anyone finds a must-see, feel free to share it with us!

I am a transfer sophomore at UVM this year from Colby-Sawyer College, and am originally from around the area. I am a Biology major and Chemistry minor. I play soccer and love to cook. I work currently at a kitchen in downtown Burlington. I also have worked at a restaurant in Hinesburg, at a library, as a soccer mentor and ref, and at a berry farm. I am very artistic and love to explore different medias and read in my spare time.
Hello! My name is Torey. I am a senior at UVM, studying to become a speech pathologist. I am a chapter correspondent for HerCampus UVM.