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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

Need a new Netflix obsession? The Netflix series You first hit Netflix in September 2018, becoming a binge-worthy fan favorite for viewers looking for a thrill. Known for its chilling depiction of a stalker, the show captivated audiences around the country. The relatability of the murderous Joe Goldberg is perhaps the show’s greatest claim to fame– I do not want the moral quandary that lies in rooting for Joe, and yet, I continue to root for him. 

Season 3 of You was just released on October 15th, and the buzz even has celebrities– yes, I am talking about Cardi B– fangirling over Penn Badgely. Truly, it is safe to say his role as Joe in You is worlds away from his loverboy persona of Dan on Gossip Girl. Nevertheless, this new season follows main characters Joe and Love as they navigate suburban life while attempting to hide some obvious cases of undiagnosed psychopathy. 

I fully admit to my obsession with this show, and I must say that season 3 did not disappoint. While I do believe that some Netflix hits would be better left as one hit wonders (for example, The Kissing Booth), this show is not one of them. Season 3 impresses with its new plotlines, new characters, and new reasons to hate Joe Goldberg that viewers will most likely ignore. If this is not convincing enough, I finished the new season in an almost concerningly low time frame of just two days. While this may partially account for my disdain of slowly watching shows, it was also because season 3 of You is addictingly good. If you like crime, horror, or even just good television, I strongly recommend pressing play.

Anna Kronthal is a second-year student at UVA majoring in English and Politics. She likes to binge-watch Netflix, scroll through TikTok, dance, and play with her dog.