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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

We are at that point in the semester where we are still recovering from past midterms while preparing for others—burnout meets stress, making it hard to avoid studying in your room due to lack of motivation. But it’s good to get that change of scenery, and UVA is too pretty (especially at this time of year) to stay in one place all day.

One of the most difficult barriers to studying is having to convince yourself to go sit in the library all day, knowing you have a pile of work to get to. Breaking your work down into smaller, less daunting steps is a great way to push past that. Romanticize your studying at UVA by hitting all the prettiest spots on grounds!

You’ll start your day at Grit or Starbucks, picking up a fall drink (if that’s your style), or just camping out upstairs to make your to-do list for the day. At this point, you’re attacking that busywork, responding to emails, or cranking out a few smaller assignments. Once you’re caffeinated and ready to go, consider picking up lunch for later so you don’t have to interrupt your flow. Then head to the Rotunda Dome Room to keep up the productivity.

After making a study guide for a midterm or outlining a paper, you are stopping by the Pavilion Gardens, a beautiful and peaceful spot on grounds. You can sit on a bench and take a break, do a reading, and have a quick reset before getting back into the swing of things.

Next, you’ll walk across the lawn, looking at all the gorgeous fall foliage, and making your way to the Music Library in Old Cabell Hall. It’s a cozy spot to review material, and its colorful atmosphere will keep you energized and attentive.

If food trucks and the amphitheater is your vibe, you’ll head there next. If not, it’s time to lock in at Clark library. You can ease in by sitting in the atrium, or head straight to the law tables or stacks. Either way, this is the final push! You have been so productive all day, and it’s that last hour or so of focused studying in Clark that will have you acing your midterms and papers.

Motivation is so hard to muster these days, but our pretty school has so many places to study that can help you shake up your routine. And, when in doubt, Clem 2 is always there for you :)  

Sophie is a second year from Chevy Chase, MD. She is a double major in Philosophy and Cognitive Science at UVA. She loves reading and writing, reality TV (especially Love Island UK), Waffle House, and listening to all different kinds of music… typically while singing along very poorly :)